Cultural heritage is a treasure that tells the members of a society about their common past and strengthens the
sense of solidarity and unity among them. It ensures the continuity of the experiences and traditions that people
have accumulated throughout history and the correct establishment of the future. In addition to the universal values
that give it the quality of heritage, cultural heritage should be protected because it offers new learning and
development opportunities to young people, gives people good feelings and warm memories, fosters creativity and
discovery, adds depth to our view of the world and life, and we all have a lot to learn from our past. Cultural heritage;
It is all of the tangible and intangible values related to our identity, culture and history. Historical cities and textures,
cultural landscapes, monumental structures, archaeological sites, as well as living but intangible values such as
language, tradition, dance, music and rituals constitute cultural heritage. By establishing a connection between the
past and the present, it creates a foundation for the culture and the world in which one lives, and enriches people’s
lives in a spiritual sense, while providing a solid reference in the creation of the future.
The scope of the definition of cultural heritage has expanded and enriched over time. A cultural heritage
understanding that is much more inclusive and includes all cultural values belonging to human has been reached
from a definition and protection approach that focuses on monuments.
Today’s emphasis on human rights, cultural diversity and equality are key definitions for cultural heritage-related
definitions and documents. Today, the categories of cultural heritage used in agreements prepared by UNESCO,
ICOMOS and similar international institutions and organizations, in international law texts or in laws and directives
used at the national level are as follows:
1 Tangible Cultural Heritage (it may be better if the source from which these definitions are taken is written directly,
as according to UNESCO…)
- Movable Cultural Heritage (paintings, statues, coins, manuscripts, archaeological artifacts, etc.)
- Immovable Cultural Heritage (monuments, archaeological sites, historical urban textures, etc.)
2 Underwater Cultural Heritage (wrecks, underwater ruins and cities)
3 Intangible Cultural Heritage (oral traditions, performing arts, rituals etc.)
Natural Heritage (such as natural sites with a cultural dimension, cultural landscapes, physical, biological and
geological formations, etc.)
Please follow the rules below in order to improve your experience and protect the areas subject to
cultural heritage in Turkey and carry it to future generations
- At the entrances of places of worship; exposed above the knees like shorts-skirts and with exposed shoulders Wearing loose clothing and speaking loudly, listening to music are prohibited in holy places.
- Please ask permission to take photos and videos with religious leaders, children and people you don’t know. Unauthorized shooting is prohibited
- In regions where monuments and historical artifacts are located -It is forbidden to sit and lean on carved and fragile surface artifacts and monuments.
- It is forbidden to relocate, move, touch and sell archaeological artifacts.
- It is forbidden to consume alcohol and cigarettes in areas where smoking is prohibited.
- Giving money-candy to children encourages them to beg. If you want to help children, please donate to recognized charities
- Exposing the genitals in public places is strictly prohibited and subject to penalty
- The purchase of illegal products / souvenirs produced from threatened wildlife species should be avoided.
- It is strictly forbidden to pollute the environment and nature. Penalty if detected